In some regions of Russia, WhatsApp is slowing down. WhatsApp users have already started complaining that messages are taking a long time to send and files are not downloading. If you need a fast messenger, you will have to switch from WhatsApp to another service.
Video conferences for 1000+ participants
Compass has built-in video conferencing, which can replace Zoom and other video communication platforms. For meetings, presentations, and client calls, you can use:
- HD resolution.
- Waiting room – the administrator can control the access of participants and confirm their entry.
- Connect via a browser so that guests can join the conference. For example, clients or partners.
- Chat with participants, reactions and polls.
- Virtual background.
- Screen sharing and conference recording.
- Power saving mode. It will help you finish a call even if your smartphone is running low on battery.
- Statistics – duration of stay at the meeting for each participant.
Spaces, chats, threads
Compass has protected spaces – virtual rooms where you can separate chats from different departments or projects. This helps avoid confusion and makes it easier to coordinate work.
Country email list, you can segment your audience based country email list on a variety of factors such as behavior, purchase history, demographics or interests. This allows you to send highly personalized and relevant messages to different groups, thereby increasing engagement and conversion rates.
For example, a manager can work in several spaces at once:
- advertising and marketing;
- sales department;
- development;
- accounting.
Managing Members
In Compass, you can quickly add a new employee to all chats and just as quickly remove them. In the settings, you can easily adjust the rights of each participant. For example, limit the ability to download files, invite to the team and remove from it.
Guest access
To enable the team to work with clients and partners, the corporate messenger Compass has developed a guest access function. A person not from the team can be invited to a chat or space. They will not be able to write to users themselves, but will be able to reply to messages. Guests can also be invited to meetings and conferences.
Team stats and rating
The service collects data on user actions. Once a week, the algorithm sends a team rating to the general chat, which indicates how many actions each participant has performed. If you click on a participant, detailed statistics appear:
Yandex Messenger
Versions: on-cloud
Yandex Messenger is another alternative to WhatsApp. Like Compass, the messenger was developed in Russia and is intended for corporate use. It works in the cloud, you can install a boxed version of the messenger.
Main functionsYandex Messenger has channels, group and private chats. Compared to WhatsApp, it has many more functions. The Yandex app allows you to set reactions on the role of trade marketing in company sales in chats, write comments to messages, create polls, mark important messages and pin them in the chat, and exchange documents. The mobile version is available on Android and iOS platforms.
To access the messenger, you need to pay for a Yandex 360 subscription . It allows you to use all of the company’s services at once. You can’t buy a separate subscription to the messenger.
VK Messenger
Country of origin: Russia
Available operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux
Versions: on-cloud
VK Messenger is a messaging app similar to WhatsApp. The service allows you to chat and sort them using folders, exchange files, record voice messages, and make audio and video calls.
Main functions
VK Messenger is a separate application in which users can communicate without being distracted by the news feed. It is possible to create news channels and groups, pin chats and set up folders.
The service offers:
- file sharing;
- enable and disable notifications;
- recording and transcription of voice;
- calls;
- scheduling meetings.
You can change backgrounds in the settings.
VK Messenger, unlike WhatsApp, is a completely free application that is suitable for personal communication. This is a regular messenger, it does not have functions for teamwork.
Country of origin: America
Available operating systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS
Versions: on-cloud
Signal is a Russified secure messenger, available in Russia. Developed by the American company Signal Foundation. It can be used to communicate with my numbers list friends, but for corporate purposes the messenger may not be very convenient.
Main functions
In Signal, you can only create a conversation with a user if they are in your contact list. You can’t find someone through the app or add them via a link or email.
In personal and group chats you can exchange files, send stickers, voice and disappearing messages, set reactions, and mention participants.
Signal is a free messenger with no ads. The project exists thanks to donations.
Country of origin: Germany, UAE, UK
Available operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Haiku
Versions: on-cloud
Telegram is a messenger app created by Pavel Durov. Its main function is instant messaging.
Users can send text and voice messages, photos, videos, documents, make calls. There are channels, personal chats and group chats. These are the main features of Telegram that are used most often.
Main functions
The functions of WhatsApp chat and Telegram chat are no different. You can chat, send voice and files, record circles.