NOften, there are differences of opinion between designers and developers, since most of them combine such terms as UX and UI design, some consider them interchangeable. But competent specialists know that this is not so, they understand the differences and their relationship. Let’s consider UX and UI in more detail.
What is UX design
UX (User Experience) translat from English means “user experience”. This is understood as the customer experience obtain when establish communication between the client and the site.
UX design is the formation of rational communication between the user and the website, application or program. It is directly responsible for how the interface functions. That is, not only the appearance of the web resource is important here, but also how the client will communicate with it.
UX defines the functionality, portability of the project and the reaction it evokes in customers. The more logical and clear the interface, the easier it is for customers to achieve the desir consequences and perform the target action.
UX design involves a number of relat sciences. It involves elements of psychology, business skills, analytical skills, and an understand of how modern technologies work. Therefore, UX specialists must have a wide range of skills.
Characteristic features of UX design include:
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- application in digit and analog products;
- focus on the customer experience, from the introduction to the product offer to the results of communication;
- design the application and minimiz the occurrence of complications;
- find a solution that allows customers to solve their problems.
The main principle of UX is that the appearance of the product should provide clues on how to communicate with it. From this, two main principles are distuish that correspond to UX design:
- clarity, persuasiveness;
- the presence of a reverse reaction, response.
What a UX designer should be able to do
A UX designer is a kind of market engineer who studies and analyzes customer experience: analytics, think through the connection between the components of the interface, their location, prepar technical specifications for itors. Their main goal is to develop the simplest possible way to create a product that will be as simple, functional and understandable to a person as possible.
The scope of work of a UX designer includes:
- study the target audience, its nes, form a collective image of a potential client;
- development of a reason strategy at each stage of design;
- prototyp: development of website architecture, development of various communication options, visualization of ideas;
- visual design of the product, choice of style and composition, fill with content;
- analytical work and test, launch several versions of sites at once to determine the one that users like the most.
For a UX designer, such a skill as the ability to see a site through the eyes of a potential client is fundamentally important. After all, it is he who is responsible for how the client will feel when communicat with the product.
What is UI design
UI (User Interface) is translat from English as “user interface”. This is the graphic design on the screen, the external manifestation and aesthetic side of the project.
UI design is a visualization, a graphic development of ideas previously develop by a UX designer: the design of menus, buttons, photos, fonts, color schemes, etc. The UI designer determines whether it is convenient to press buttons, whether the menu works correctly, and whether it is easy to fill out the propos forms.
The user interface should look attractive, but at the same time meet all modern standards and be convenient. This is important, since the site is not creat for the sake of beautiful icons. They must perform each of their functions, and these functions must be understandable to the user.
UI design is characteriz by the follow features:
- use with digital products only;
- focus on the elements with which the client directly communicates;
- selection of the optimal combination of color, font, animation, etc.;
- creat a product that meets the client’s aesthetic preferences.
We can say that UI is the process of creat a harmonious and understandable interface.
What a UI designer should be able to do
A UI designer is an interface specialist who visualizes a work prototype, designs buttons, icons, and other elements, creat a coherent layout. Their job responsibilities include develop the appearance of the product and the way the client communicates with various interface components.
Its main task is to help a person quickly understand how to use a certain product (website, application, program). To this end, the interface must meet basic requirements. Among them:
- clarity of structure;
- laconic forms without be overload with details;
- recognizability, intuitive clarity of elements;
- responsiveness, understand of processes launch with the help of the response;
- stability, when the impact with all components of the interface is the same in different sections of the site;
- attractive appearance;
- minimum effort to communicate with the product;
- customer care (ability to correct a mistake).
What is the difference between UI and UX design
The difference between UX and UI is that a UX designer develops how the client will use the interface, what nes to be done to achieve the set goals. And a UI designer designs how all this will look.
UX is the client’s impressions of communication with the interface. A UX designer deals with more abstract ths: tables, diagrams, information data. Bas on them, the interface of an online resource is design.
UI is the final result of the design work, what the user will see. The UI designer visualizes the studi experience, gives “life” to the product.
UX and UI are closely relat. So much so that there is often no clear boundary between them. Bas on this, the development of the website interface is usually carri out by one specialist.
Basic rules of UX/UI design
Requirements regard designs change quite often. This concerns various visual innovations rather than any global changes. At the same time, several ideas are highlight, follow which high-quality projects are creat.
The entire interface should be design accord to the client’s preferences. It is important that it is understandable. There should be noth in the design that can be interpret ambiguously. By click on a certain icon, the user should receive its expect functionality.
To create such interfaces, large-scale data structure java implementation beta test is carri out. Only people us the product can suggest what nes to be correct and adjust.
Us templates
One of the important characteristics of good design is consistency. You don’t want to confuse visitors with a multitude of different elements that don’t have a clear logic. The product should be intuitive without the ne for additional instructions. Prictability always plays into the hands of a website.
Thoughtful selection of trends
This is more relevant to the work of UI designers. If you follow the latest trends, you will notice how the vast majority of websites acquire similar features. As soon as some fashionable trend appears, everyone immiately rushes to follow it.
As a result, you can get a very miocre result. The product will be similar to competitors, with an excess of modern trends. Therefore, of course, you should agent email list not ignore trends, but you should not accept everyth. For each project, you should make an individual choice that suits it.