The interest in recipe videos

Here you can see very clearly when the big hype in this area started and that it has now died down somewhat. However, you also have to remember that users are searching for a lot of long tail search terms. Nevertheless, the curve gives an impression of how interest in food blogs has developed in general.

My guess was that a lot of things have shifted to YouTube in recent years , as videos are of course very suitable for recipes.


The chart at least shows that recipes are lso very important in the video sector. However, it has ivory coast phone number library not replaced blogs, but rather complemented them.

The interest in “Recipe” …
One has to be careful here, as “recipe” can also have a different meaning. Nevertheless, the following chart shows that the general interest in it has not decreased, but rather increased.



So what can we learn from this? In my opinion, food blogs are still a very interesting niche. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

So you should look for a niche that is not yet very now you have a discord server busy. This way you can avoid the big competition and build a name for yourself in special areas. In terms of search volume, this should still be sufficient.

It is also clear that video and social media have become increasingly important here. That is why you can’t avoid videos on YouTube and Facebook. In addition, platforms like Instagram have become very important for such a visual topic.

Finally, I have an interesting Google Trend Chart that shows how search behavior can change over time. The term “recipes” was very common data visualization: notes to read well many years ago. Today, it is searched for much less frequently. That doesn’t mean that it is an unimportant search term, but times change. You should keep that in mind when choosing the domain for your own food blog, for example.




I would love to hear your opinion on this. What do you think of the food blog niche and is there any uae cell number additional information or statistics you would like to contribute?

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