Press on emotions promotion from a neurobiological perspective

Lying silently in the tomograph (so that they wouldn’t lie), participants in neurobiological experiments, when evaluating brand logos, it turns out, turn on the “social” part of the brain at full blast. They try to use trademarks to form their own identity in the world of people. And this is literally visible on the monitors. Some possess knowledge of the described phenomenon implicitly, tacitly. That is, they “know” something, but do not understand what they know and why. Advertising specialists most often act intuitively, only occasionally turning to psychological research.

Brands even affect children’s brains Press on emotions

Scientists are, of course, cynical guys in some ways. Some of them even risk studying the impact of branding on the brain of children (which plays into the hands of advertisers). For example, in 2014, a group of neurobiologists, psychiatrists and psychologists from the University of Missouri (USA) and the University of Kansas (USA) conducted the world’s first  of neural reactions to brands in physically and mentally healthy teenagers aged 10-14. And yes, they were also put into a tomograph, and then shown logos of food and non-food brands.

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It turned out that food brands evoked a more active reaction in children than non-food brands. And they included “food motivation.” However, the teenagers did not eat for four hours before the procedure, and the researchers do not rule out that they were simply slightly hungry. Scientists have found that children’s brains tend to react to brands in much the same way as adults. With one difference: teenagers perceive “food” logos more vividly and emotionally.

The brand must be remembered firmly Press on emotions

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Unfortunately, there are not as many studies of the influence of brands on the brain using tomography as we would like. They are expensive to organize. And the use of neurovisualization in testing advertising creatives or new brands is a. Even large agencies cannot afford this now.

However, there are three other methods that claim to be effective in measuring a person’s physiological response to advertising and brands: eye tracking, electroencephalography, and skin conductance measurements (EDA, a technology used in polygraph tests). In 2021, a group of Polish scientists from the Poznan University of Business and Technology the results of a comparative study of all three technologies. It is called “Comparative Analysis of Neuromarketing Methods for Predicting Brand Purchases Among Young People.”

Brand recognition social prestige and the emotions associated with it  the Great Advertising Triad

“What a surprise!” – an experienced advertiser will say, – “We already knew that.” And such a statement would be a cognitive distortion. We “knew” about the Great Advertising Triad intuitively, we only guessed at something like that and often acted at random. Only many years of experience allowed us to assume what exactly we should press in our creatives.

And now we know this for sure . And we understand that we shouldn’t focus only on recognition, only on emotions, or only on social prestige. The supposedly ideal advertisement should include all three ingredients. If you like, we have the Holy summary of the evaluation method of high-quality external links – … Grail of Advertising, the “philosopher’s stone” of the advertiser. Now, almost any business, whether small and on the go or large, can hang a huge poster with infographics in its marketing department: include three known elements in each of your messages. If one component is missing, your advertising message is not effective enough.

How the structure of music programs the expectation of pleasure

Music, of course, acts not only at the level of evolutionarily ancient brain structures, but is recognized and somehow analyzed by areas associated with higher cognitive activity. Scientists have approached the study of these processes quite inventively. Using a combination of different types of tomography, they were able to establish. When exactly in time the peaks of emotional reaction to music occur, and when the reaction is initially “triggered”.

It turns out that between the onset of activity of the above-mentioned “dopamine” zones of the brain and the onset of “auditory orgasm” or “musical chills,” an average of 15 seconds passes. It turned out that the release of dopamine in the NAcc itself a complete list of unit phone numbers occurs precisely at the moment of “goosebumps.” As the researchers write, in this case, there is an anticipation of the imminent impact of an “abstract aesthetic stimulus” (music).

How Advertising Music Puts Our ‘Junkie’ Neurobiology to Practical Use

Of course, composers of the past knew nothing about it. They found connections between the structure of music and its emotional perceptions intuitively, in practice. They improved and passed on the art of managing listeners’ emotions from generation to generation. The real monsters of this business were the composers of the Romantic era – Beethoven (one of those who stood at the origins of the movement), Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Liszt, Schubert and others. These geniuses masterfully knew how to create musical expectations, give exciting “promises” and fulfill them using the most beautiful surprises.

Most contemporary composers, of course, do not delve into the neurobiological research we discussed above. They inherit traditions and make their own intuitive discoveries.

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