Digitalization of industrial enterprises with the help of applications

Digitalization is the process of transferring the work processes of an industrial enterprise “into digital form”. Digitalization involves the creation of a special digital environment and the transfer of control of all elements to it – from machines and conveyors to control and accounting

Before a piece of metal starts to be turn into a product

It is possible to create a digital copy of this piece in the virtual world and run it through all the production stages. This will allow  phone number library   you to see the difficulties that may be encounter and the defects that the product will eventually have. At the same time, the enterprise does not spend real money and does not incur costs in the form of spoil material and wages for workers.

Similarly, it is possible to create digital copies (models) not only of one workpiece, but also of individual production operations, business processes, and even the enterprise as a whole.

What is digitalization in industry?

Fig. 1. Example of visualization of a business process diagram.

We previously wrote about what business processes are, how to find them, describe them and debug them . Read it, it’s a really useful article!

Digitalization acts as a foundation for digital transformation, a more comprehensive process that involves the formation of a new digital culture.

The state and prospects of digitalization of industry in Russia

Russian industry is in a hybrid state, where, on the one hand, paper document flow can be maintain, while on the other hand, automation and artificial intelligence can be introduc.

It is interesting that digitalization is no longer a choice that enterprises face, because on July 21, 2020, the President of the Russian Feration sign Decree No. 474 “On national development goals until 2030” , according to which digital transformation becomes one of the national goals.


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According to Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Government of the Russian Feration dat November 7, 2023 No. 3113-r, there are the following target indicators of digital transformation in industry.

The first trigger that drew attention  shared hosting better than dedicated to the ne for digitalization and accelerat its pace was the pandemic, when people could not be at their workplaces, and businesses did not have the opportunity to stop operations.

The second trigger was the 2022 sanctions, which were intend to isolate Russia’s industrial sector from the rest of the world. Although in the short term the sanctions certainly slow down the pace of digitalization, in the long term we  ar numbers should expect the opposite effect – the emergence of domestic products that will be an order of magnitude higher than foreign ones. This can happen by creating applications for managing industrial workflows from scratch. At the same time, the best global practices will be taken into account, and there will be no ne to maintain outdat domestic digital infrastructure (there was none).

Digitalization is quite real – there are already many

Precents in Russia. For example, NGCO New Gas Company, which produces industrial gases, has fully automat procurement using a Russian business application on low-code BPMS, thereby accelerating and simplifying decision-making processes, as well as rucing the influence of the human factor. And glass manufacturer Salavatsteklo implement Russian software for managing production lines within six months.

There is no doubt that industrial enterprises in Russia can be digitaliz. The only thing ne is the owner’s desire to go digital as soon as possible. We are sure that this desire will increase when you learn about the advantages.

The transition to digitalization of business processes is not just a fashionable phenomenon or a government directive from above that must be follow. Digitalization brings real benefits, representing an important step in the development of companies, especially when it comes to the implementation of innovative technologies such as augment reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI). This transition provides economic benefits not only in the work of the administration, but also in all departments of the enterprise.

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