In the book “Web Fatale”, author Johannes Ippen wants to teach us how to design websites that no one can resist. That certainly sounds interesting.
I have read the book and will introduce it below. You will also find out who it is interesting for and what I think of it.
The book was provided free of charge by the publisher for review.
Content from Web Fatale
“There is nothing worse than being ordinary.” The book begins with this film quote and that is exactly the point. This 348-page book from Rheinwerk Verlag is, as already mentioned, about web design. However, not from a purely technical perspective, as is unfortunately found in many German-language books, but from a psychological perspective.
The author wants to teach us seductive web design and to do so, he deals with topics jamaica phone number library such as usability, user experience, user loyalty and much more.
Here is an overview of the chapters of Web Fatale :
- A classy appearance: Usability
This is about the usable interface of websites, Irresistible Websites because that is the first contact with the website visitor. Many examples, tips and best practices are shown here. - Playing with stimuli: User Experience
This is about the user experience. Again with frank lugo associate director, oncology promotion good examples, tips and various design approaches. Gamification is also covered here. - Double agenda: seducing and misleading users
We continue with tips on how to use web design to seduce users, with particular emphasis on the “leading” aspect. The examples from Ikea and others are very clear.
Head and neck: user loyalty
This is what makes websites really successful. Binding users to you so that they come back. The content strategy plays an important role in this.
- This chapter is about business, and we’ll learn about various methods of turning users into customers. Pricing strategies and social proof are among the topics covered here.
- Let’s stay friends: Social Media
Social networks have also had a lasting impact on web design and there is a lot of information tips on how to write cold emails and tips here. How to deal with shitstorms is also a topic here. - No stereotypes please: User testing
At the end there are many practical tips on testing methods and what to look out for. It also explains how to do this even with a small budget.
The book contains many examples and constantly new tips Irresistible Websites . It is also a good uae cell number and entertaining read, which I found very pleasant.