All About Influencer Definition (Part I)

Once upon a time there were testimonials. The psychological mechanism behind it was rather discouraging but terribly true. Consumers transferred the esteem, affection or sexual attraction they felt for a certain public figure onto the product that this public figure advertised by going to perform the action that marketing experts dreamed of: the purchase. Now it’s social time and the only thing that has changed is that users perform the famous “desired actions” if suggested by influencers, that is, by people capable of influencing the lives of others. It goes without saying how important it is for a company to define the right influencers for its products.

Here’s something to know about the definition of influencers

To understand how to move in the definition of influencers   it would be useful to clearly define this new social figure. Not an easy task because the same term is used in different honduras phone number library contexts. Why? It depends on the point of view of the observer. This is why the definition of influencers is very complex . As the communication blog explains in the post “defining influencers” , the term itself is an umbrella term that tends. All About Influencer to cover a rather heterogeneous group of subjects and that, depending on the focus and activity, can be understood in a rather different way. One way to get out of the impasse could be to use the knowledge of Charles S. Peirce, one of the fathers of Semiotics who, at the beginning of the last century, coined a particularly interesting definition of an equally complex term, that of sign.

The definition was this:

“ A sign, or representation, is something that stands for something else or for someone in some respect or capacity .”

But what does this have to do with the definition of influencers ? It does because a sign, without a person, does not exist. This also applies to what interests us. Paraphrasing Peirce, therefore, we can say that:

“ An Influencer is a person membership fee income, a new source of revenue for gome retail who is important to someone .”

This is the basis of the definition of influencers  and this is the starting point from which every company must move for its campaigns. In the next post of the COMON BLOG mobile list we will go even deeper. Enjoy the reading.

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