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A typical lament from marketers: “We gave you 100 applications, and you didn’t close a single deal! You don’t know how to work!” Salespeople object: “Are these leads?! Out of your 100 applications, 80 didn’t pick up the phone, 15 refus to talk, and five were ask “just to ask.” Salespeople are the more vulnerable party in this dialogue – they are the ones being ask! –

So they communicate more aggressively

To be fair, in order to find the guilty, each conflict will have to library shop be considered without emotion. So, if a person with a salary of 50 thousand rubles came to a car dealership of expensive cars (and, of course, left with nothing), this is a failure of the marketing department that brought him there. Advertising is not aimed at those. But if a client with a high income fell through, this is a collective fault. The sellers did not close the objections and did not highlight all the advantages to the visitor on the spot, and the marketing strategy did not prepare the client for an inform choice.

However, more often than not, things are more complicated.

Maxim Nakhabo, director of the Aktion Marketing project :

Which side the management will take depends on its background. If the commander or general manager came from the sales department, he will defend the sales people, if from marketing, then the marketers. In the second case, confrontation with the head of the sales department is inevitable.

Avoiding wars between departments can be done by selling headlines using appointing a single person responsible for sales, instead of two opposing directors of two departments. This makes sense because the line where the responsibility of marketers ends and that of salespeople begins is thin and permeable. In general, both marketing and sales are two parts of a single

Sales function of the organization

Guarante leads for Aktion Marketing clients — from the ao lists first month of cooperation . We are interest in your sales growth, since we earn only by fulfilling and exceeding the plan. Details of cooperation .

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